Nothing is More Important Than a Home

St. John of the Cross Catholic Worker House

1027 5th Avenue S.E.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403

Phone: 319.362.9041
Email: stjohncwh@msn.com

Our mission is to assist people in need of food, shelter, and help for a better tomorrow. Our guests receive shelter for 30-90 days regardless of religion, ethnicity, age or reason for homelessness. Along with shelter, we provide our residents two meals each day as well as help in finding a job or housing. We connect them with community resources such as education, transportation, employment, child care, healthcare and social services. When they obtain more permanent housing, we try to supply them with household items and resources to make that transition as smooth as possible.


Talk About Thankful!

Martina Kelm came to us in August 2010. Her son Nathaniel was 10 months old at the time, and she was 12 weeks pregnant with her next son, Parker. Martina had suffered from a long history of IV meth use, sexual abuse and abandonment. Almost since birth, Martina has faced trials and tribulations. Martina also has three other boys:

Homeword Bound

Sarah came to us in May 2013. When she first came to us, she had one of four children here with her. Her children are 19, 16, 5 and 2. Her family was split up due to unemployment and not having an apartment of their own. They had not had their own place together since May 2012. When Sarah

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